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[Mac App] How to grant permission to block websites on Jomo Mac?
Did you decline permission to block sites from Jomo when you first opened the browser, even though this was not your intention? No problem! We'll show you how to resolve this quickly. For Jomo to block sites, you have to give it permission. Normally, this is automatically requested when you first open your browser, once Jomo has been installed on your Mac. If you missed it or refused it, but have now changed your mind, here's how to do it: Open "System Settings ". Go to "Few readers[Mac App] How to block websites on your Mac using Jomo?
On Jomo for Mac, you can block apps, keywords, or websites. Take back control of your devices with just a few clicks. 🔒 How to block a website? With Jomo, you can block any website. Just follow these steps to create a blocking rule: Open Jomo by clicking on the icon in your Mac's menu bar, then select Click on at the bottom of the screen. Choose the type of rule you want, then select color 0061ff (Apps & WFew readers[Mac App] How to block keywords on your browser using Jomo?
With Jomo, you can block websites, apps, and even specific keywords. It's perfect for avoiding certain online content (like adult material, addictions, etc.). It's easy to use and highly effective— here's how you can do it! 🔒 How to Add a Keyword? Blocking a keyword works just like blocking websites and apps. You'll need to create a blocking rule. Here's how to do it: Create your blocking rule. Click on , then on color 0061ff (KeywordFew readers[Mac App] How to block websites on Firefox using Jomo Mac?
Firefox is not compatible with the blocking technology used in the Mac version of Jomo by default, so these two steps are necessary to enable it. ⚙️ Installation steps Open the link on your Mac. A panel will open. Then, click Install the Jomo companion extension for Firefox. (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addFew readers[Mac App] How to exclude websites from blocking on your Mac using Jomo?
Some websites offer multiple services under the same URL, like YouTube and YouTube Music. If you block YouTube, everything is blocked. That's why Jomo provides an exclusion list! ❌ How to Exclude a Website from Blocking? Create your blocking rule. Click on , then on . In the section, add the site you want to block (for example, youtube.com). Then, below in the coFew readers[Mac App] How to block an app on Mac using Jomo?
On Jomo Mac, you can block apps, keywords, or websites. With just a few clicks, you can take back control of your devices. 🔒 How to block an app? On Jomo, you can block any installed app (from your browser or the App Store). Just create a blocking rule: Open Jomo by clicking the icon in your Mac's menu bar, then selectFew readers
💡 Misc.
[Mac App] How do I remove Jomo Mac from my Mac?
You no longer wish to use Jomo on your Mac? No problem! Before we let you go, here's what we recommend: Delete on your Jomo Mac application. To do this, tap on the session, scroll down and tap on . Then, to delete the application: Press . Click on , then drag the icon to your recycle garbage can.Few readers[Mac App] How can I stop Jomo from hiding on my Mac?
You've hidden Jomo using Terminal and want to undo the operation? We'll show you how! 💡 How to stop hiding Jomo Open the application on your Mac. To do this, go to . Copy and paste this command into your terminal: sudo chflags nohidden /Applications/Jomo.app; find 2>/dev/null /private/var/folders/ -typeFew readers[Mac App] How can I hide Jomo on my Mac?
Tempted to remove Jomo from your Mac? We've got you covered! 👻 Hide Jomo on my Mac Open the application on your Mac. To do this, go to . Copy and paste this command into your terminal: sudo chflags hidden /Applications/Jomo.app;Few readers
🐞 Bugs & Issues
[Mac App] How to Access My Jomo Account on Mac?
Having trouble accessing your Jomo account on your Mac? Don't worry! This guide will help you seamlessly log in to your account on a Mac. Follow these easy steps to get started. 🔗 Check Your Account on the iOS App First, you need to verify the status of your account on your iPhone or iPad. . Navigate to . Look at the . If You See “Create An Account”Some readers[Mac App] Blocking apps and sites doesn't seem to work
This article is for Mac users only. For iPhone users, please refer to this article. 🛠️ Having trouble blocking sites or apps? We're here to help. Before contacting support, please read and test all the solutions presented in this guide. If you can't find your answer, you can contact us via support chat by going to jomo.so and clickFew readers[Mac App] The Jomo application has disappeared from my Mac. How can I find it?
To avoid the temptation of deleting a session, or to avoid unnecessarily overloading your Dock, we've chosen to put Jomo Mac in your Status Bar. So when you click on "x" or "-", it doesn't close Jomo completely, but simply minimizes it. ✅ How do I reactivate Jomo Mac? In your status bar (at the top, next to time, wifi, ...) you have a small icon of a window with a smile. This is the Jomo Mac icon. Simply click on it to reopen the application. ❌ How do I closFew readers