How to uninstall Jomo (the right way)?
Leaving us? No worries! But first, please make sure of a few things... To avoid problems like 🧑🔧 I uninstalled Jomo but apps and websites are still blocked, we strongly recommend that you follow these steps before uninstalling Jomo. Rest assured, it will only take a few seconds. ⠀ ❌ Delete your rules BEFORE deleting the app Open color 0061PopularI uninstalled Jomo but apps and websites are still blocked
We know it can be frustrating to face issues like this, and we apologize in advance. However, please note: This bug is related to a malfunction in iOS (Apple). When the app is uninstalled, the communication between Jomo and Screen Time is broken. Jomo removes its rules instantly, but Screen Time retains a "Restricted" status on its side. That's why we recommend reading this article before uninstalling Jomo. The following stepFew readers