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[Mac App] How do I use breaks on Jomo Mac?

On Jomo iOS, as on Jomo Mac, you can set up continuous sessions, allowing only a few minutes of access per day. To do this, you need to set up a "Conscious Use " session (which runs continuously) and authorize pauses. If you'd like to know more, please consult this article first before adding a restriction.

Taking a break on Jomo Mac

If you're familiar with this mechanism on the mobile version, then you won't be surprised: it's the same way it works. Otherwise, here's how to take a break:

From the website: You want to access your site, but it's blocked. To do this, press "Open Jomo ", on the web page that appears on your screen. Then, once Jomo is open, press "Take a break " on your session map. Select the desired time, then confirm. Once the allotted time has elapsed, apps & sites will be automatically re-locked.

From the Jomo Mac application: Open the "Sessions" section, then press "Take a break " on your session map. Select the desired time, then confirm. Once the allotted time has elapsed, apps & sites will be automatically re-locked.

Note that you can limit the number of pauses per day, as well as their maximum duration. To do this:

When creating/editing your Session, click on the "Breaks " section.

Deactivate "Unlimited ". A counter will appear. Use the arrows to add / remove to adjust to your preferences.

Below, you'll see a graduated bar. This indicates the maximum length of a pause. Drag the slider to adjust the duration to your preference.

Updated on: 17/01/2024

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