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[Mac App] How do I block websites and apps on my Mac with Jomo?

To block content (websites & applications) on your Mac with Jomo, you need to create a blocking session. If you'd like to know more, please consult this article first before adding a restriction.

Add content to block

Go to the "Sessions " section, then add a session.

Our tip: Configure your session BEFORE adding content to be blocked.

Then click on "Blocked apps and sites".

If you click on Apps, you'll be able to select "Only" or "All Except" the apps of your choice. To add an app to block, press the black "Add" button, then select the app of your choice from your library. It will then appear in the Jomo list. Remember to select it by ticking the bubble opposite its name.

Be careful with the "All except" option, especially with apps. It can have some side effects, considering it could block some important apps that the Mac uses to run perfectly.

If you click on Websites, you'll be able to select "Only" or "All Except" the websites of your choice. To add a website to block, press the black "Add" button, then enter the domain name (URL) of your site in the dedicated field, then add it by pressing "Add". As with applications, remember to tick the bubble opposite the site name.

To add a website, please enter only the domain name in the format, for example, (without https / http at the beginning, and without the 1234-ABC?help/toto-1244 at the end).

On the website part, you can also block "Categories" of websites, such as Adult Content. You can simply add this option by ticking the circle next to "Adult Websites."

If needed, you can apply some "Exceptions" to your blocking list. E.g, you can choose to block, but white list Simply scroll down to your website list, and next to "Exceptions", press on the "Add" button. Enter the domain name (URL) of your site in the dedicated field, then add it by pressing "Add".

Updated on: 31/01/2024

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