How to block websites on your iPhone/iPad using Jomo?
With Jomo, you can block not only apps but also websites, on the browser of your choice. There are two different ways of doing this. Do you want to block on all browsers? Go to Method 1. Would you like to block Safari only? Go to Method 2. 🌐 MeSome readersHow to use Jomo on iPad?
In this article, we will help you seamlessly set up and use Jomo on your iPad. Jomo is your personal assistant in cutting down screen time and boosting your focus. Below are the steps to get started: 🍎 System Requirements First things first, let's ensure that your iPad meets the requirements to run Jomo. Open your iPad's . Scroll down and tap on . Tap . Look for the color 0061ff (Few readersHow to set a daily screen time goal?
On Jomo, you can set a screen time goal, which is the maximum amount of time you want to spend on your phone each day. You can track your remaining time for the day on the "Home" tab and through our dedicated widget. The screen time goal is an excellent way to gradually reduce your screen time. Please note that it doesn't block your applications—it's designed to encourage you, not judge you, and it's fully customizable according to your needs and the days of the week. 🛠️ How do I seFew readersWhat is a rule on Jomo?
Jomo’s blocking rules help you manage distractions on your phone or computer, so you can focus on what truly matters. Jomo is currently one of the world's most advanced screen time apps. That means you’ll find plenty of options and settings. But don’t worry: even if it seems complex, Jomo is still simple and easy to use! This guide covers everything you need to know about Jomo’s rules. It will help you set up your Jomo to create effective rules that support you in the long run. Few readersHow do Squads work on Jomo?
Since October 2023 🎉, Jomo lets you share your screen time with those close to you. Whether it's family members, friends, colleagues, or a community, turn your screen time goal into a collective challenge! 🤝 Squads are like a scoreboard. Every day, the screen time you spend on your phone is displayed on a board alongside that of other participants. The goal is to have the least amount of screen time to become the leader of the day. In a second section, you'll find the weekly ranFew readers