How to uninstall Jomo (the right way)?
Leaving us? No worries! But first, please make sure of a few things... To avoid problems like 🧑‍🔧 I uninstalled Jomo but apps and websites are still blocked, we strongly recommend that you follow these steps before uninstalling Jomo. Rest assured, it will only take a few seconds. ⠀ ❌ Delete your rules BEFORE deleting the app Open Jomo Rules. Delete ALL yourPopularHow to disable "Share Across Devices" in Screen Time?
Looking for a way to disable “Device Sharing” on your iPhone? We're here to help. ❌ How to disable “Sharing between devices”? Open your iPhone settings Press “Screen Time.” Scroll down until you find the option “Share between devices”. Deactivate the option 🤔 Why disablePopularHow to add a Jomo widget?
Want Jomo to Accompany You Throughout the Day via Widgets, but Not Sure How? Here’s the Guide! To add a Jomo widget, it's just like adding any other app widget. If this is your first time adding a widget to your iPhone, don't worry! We explain everything in detail. ➕ How to Add a Widget to Your Home Screen? Adding a widget is very simple. Here’s how: Go to your iPhone home screen. Press and hold on your wallpaper (~3 seconds). In the upper left corner, tap on "Edit", thSome readersWhere to find my average screen time on iPhone?
Open the “Settings" app. Navigate to the "Screen Time" section. If you already had the "Screen Time" feature enabled, your average screen time should be atFew readersHow do I change the categorization of an app on Jomo?
How do I categorize an app on Jomo? We're here to help. Jomo is the first app to offer a “Journaling” feature, allowing you to better understand your screen time. Instead of simply categorizing its uses as “Productive” and “Passive”, we've chosen to go for a more human version where feelings take precedence over productivity! 🛠️ How does Journaling work? Every evening, at 8:30 PM, Jomo sends you a notification inviting you to tell us what activities you've been doing on your phoneFew readers[Mac App] How do I remove Jomo Mac from my Mac?
You no longer wish to use Jomo on your Mac? No problem! Before we let you go, here's what we recommend: Delete all your sessions on your Jomo Mac application. To do this, tap on the session, scroll down and tap on "Delete ". Then, to delete the application: Press "Finder " "Applications ". Click on "Jomo Mac ", then drag the icon to your recycle garbage can.Few readersHow to delete an automation?
You have installed an automation to allow Jomo to block an application and now you want to remove it? We've got your back! Open the Shortcuts application and select the "Automation" tab at the bottom. Then, swipe left on the automation you want to delete. A "Delete" buFew readersHow do I add a Jomo widget on my Mac?
To benefit from Jomo widgets you must have the iOS version of Jomo. Your MacBook must also have the Sonoma 14.1.1 or later update. Add a Jomo widget to your Mac Install the iOS version if not already installed. Press the time/date on your Mac, at the top right of your screen. Scroll to "Edit Widgets", then click. A window will open from the bottom, in the search bar type "Jomo". Select the desired widget and drag it to your desktop.Few readersHow to add a lockscreen widget?
Want to track your app limits or screen time from your lock screen? Add one of our widgets! Since iOS 16 it is possible to add small widgets on your home screen and Jomo now offers its own! Here is how to add a lockscreen widget: Long press on the lockscreen (+2 sec.) Press "Customize " Select "Lock Screen " Press one of the sections, ideally the one under the clock Choose among theFew readers[Mac App] The Jomo application has disappeared from my Mac. How can I find it?
To avoid the temptation of deleting a session, or to avoid unnecessarily overloading your Dock, we've chosen to put Jomo Mac in your Status Bar. So when you click on "x" or "-", it doesn't close Jomo completely, but simply minimizes it. How do I reactivate Jomo Mac? In your status bar (at the top, next to time, wifi, ...) you have a small icon of a window with a smile. This is the Jomo Mac icon. Simply click on it to reopen the application. How do I close Jomo MacFew readers