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How do I change the categorization of an app on Jomo?

Jomo is the first app to offer a "Journaling" feature, which allows you to better understand your screen time. Instead of simply categorizing its uses as "Productive" and "Passive", we've opted for a more empathetic version where feelings take precedence over productivity!

We explain in detail how Jomo's Journaling feature works in this video. (Save time by selecting the chapters that interest you!)

As you fill in your activity log, you'll unlock an additional "Activities" view, available next to "Apps". You'll find a grouping by "Activities" carried out on your phone, rather than by apps. This will give you a clearer idea of your screen time.

Change the sentiment associated with an application

By default and without any action on your part, Jomo categorizes all your activities as "Neutral".

To get started, go to the "Home " section of Jomo.

Select the "Apps " view

Under an app of your choice, press the small badge "What was it used for? ".

On the screen that opens, you'll find a scale (left: negative feelings / right: positive feelings / center: no opinion). Slide your finger over the desired feeling. The smiley in the center will change expression, as will the associated feeling.

You can also associate activities you've done on this application. To do so, simply press the activity buttons below.

For Jomo Plus members, you can choose to automatically apply this sentiment to an app (useful for recurring applications such as Mail, Messages, etc., which are relatively always performing the same tasks). which relatively always perform the same actions).

Finally, to validate, simply press "Ok " in the top right-hand corner.

Modify / Delete the sentiment associated with an application

To begin, go to the "Home " section of Jomo.

Select the "Apps " view

Press on the app of your choice.

Scroll to the bottom of the screen, then press the "Delete " button.

Customize activities

Aware that not all default activities are the same for everyone, we've made it possible to modify/delete and add a new activity. To do this:

Go to the "Home " section of Jomo

Press ✨, then "Activities ".

Press on an activity to modify/delete it.

Or press the small gray "+" to add a new one.

Updated on: 22/11/2023

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