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How to use Jomo with Siri Shortcuts?

You can start and stop Jomo sessions using Siri Shortcuts. Apps of your choice will be blocked by Jomo while the session is ongoing.

Before getting started

To configure a "Start Session" or "Stop Session" action, you have to choose an immediate or continuous session template from the "My session templates" screen (Focus > Sessions > Scroll Down > My session templates).

When you use the "Start Session" shortcut action, it pulls all the details from your chosen template to start a session. This includes the session title, which apps are blocked, if strict mode is active, and break settings. However, it doesn't set the duration. Instead, you define the session length in the shortcut action itself. You have three options: Until Canceled, Duration, or Until Tomorrow.

5+ ideas to use Jomo with Siri Shortcuts

Block apps for X minutes right after waking up ☕️

Block apps when you arrive at a specific location (work, home, etc.) 📍

Block an app (e.g. TikTok) until tomorrow when I already spent 2 hours on my phone ✋


Block apps when a focus mode is active 🌙

You can also do this by using Focus Filters.

Start a deep work session in a tap (block apps + focus playlist) 🎧

Open the following shortcut on your phone and add it to your library ⬇️

Start Deep Work 🧠

Updated on: 16/06/2023

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