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How to remove a blocking rule in Strict Mode?

You’ve enabled Strict Mode but have an emergency? Don’t worry, we’re here to help!

Strict Mode is designed to help you stick to your blocking rules, not to make things difficult for you.

With emergency mode, you can remove a rule in Strict Mode in case of a major issue. For security reasons, emergency mode cannot be disabled.

❌ How to remove a blocking rule in Strict Mode?

Open Jomo, then go to “Profile” > “Settings”
Tap on “Emergency Mode”
A random code will appear on the screen. Enter this code in the text field below the code.
Once done, a screen will appear. Simply delete the rule of your choice.

⚠️ Warning: You only have 2 emergency codes per week. The quota resets on Sunday at midnight. Use them wisely.

Emergency Mode will delete your rule, not just disable Strict Mode. To reinstate it, you’ll have to recreate the rule. Also, you won’t be able to copy-paste the code, so save yourself the trouble of trying. Just so you know, it takes about 2 to 4 minutes to write down the code, which is the perfect time to ask yourself if you REALLY need to remove strict mode while it’s active.

⚡️ How to make accessing Emergency Mode more difficult?

Emergency mode can’t be turned off, but you can adjust the length of the emergency code to make it harder to trigger:

In the “Settings” section of Emergency Mode, tap on “Change code length”
Increase the length by tapping +, decrease it by tapping -. The max length is 250 characters.

⚠️ Warning: You can only do this once per week.

🛠️ How to properly configure Strict Mode?

Don’t apply Strict Mode when creating your rule. Create it, run it, and test it first. Then, once everything is set up correctly, apply Strict Mode. This helps avoid any careless mistakes.

💡 To learn more about how Strict Mode works and its various settings, we invite you to check out our dedicated article.

Updated on: 02/09/2024

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